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Enhancing innovation - BSIC Niger
1438 / 2017
- Mode Of Finance: Murabaha
- ICD contribution: 9,900,000
PRODUCT: EUR 9m LOF facility
CLIENT: Banque Sahelo-Saharienne pour l’Investissement et le Commerce (BSIC)
PURPOSE: To finance private enterprises, including SMEs.
BSIC Niger is a commercial bank affiliated to BSIC Group, a regional financial institution with a share capital of EUR 750m and a presence in 14 African countries.
We used our experience of working with BSIC Chad, a sister institution, to streamline the process with BSIC Niger while adapting the financing facility to Niger’s private sector
needs. We have identified potential areas that our LOF facility will support, including logistics, agro-industry and construction. In this way we aim to remove poverty and promote food security, job creation and innovation.